Houston Google Local Services
By now you’ve probably noticed the real estate has changed on the search result page. We’re here to help. Contact us today for Houston Google Local services.
Google has created a new online advertising product for the home services industry called Google Local Services. You can see in this search that the Google Local Services card appear at the top of the search result page. Also notice the Green check mark indicating the company is Google Guaranteed. We’ll talk about what that means in a minute.
Google Local Services is a cost per lead advertising product that allows a consumer to search, click on your Google Local Services card, and contact you. They can call you, text message or email you. When they do, you will also get an email and notification from the Google Local Services ads app, which is also sent to your email.
How Google Local Services Works
Google Local Services is tied to your Google Map Listing
• Customers can call or message you, but the Leads also go to your email and inside of your Google Local Services Dashboard – through an app that you download. It’s critically important that you engage with these leads even if you decline the work. Remember Google views your response or lack of response as to what type of business you are. Repeated disruptions in communications will cause Google to stop showing your Google Local Services card.
• Once you have converted the lead into a customer and completed the work – be sure to check your map listings (Google My Business Dashboard) for reviews. Google values the customers review and rewards positive reviews. Google also rewards you answering your customer’s reviews. Negative reviews and not responding to reviews can affect the ranking of your Google Local Services ad.
Remember Google is trying to give THEIR customer the very best business. Google considers response time, communication and reviews all as important factors. If they consider them important you can bet that those factors will be consideration for rankings indicators for the ads.
What Does Google Guaranteed Mean?

Let’s talk about what Google Guaranteed means. Remember in the earlier search, I pointed out the Green check. This signifies the company is Google Guaranteed.
Google Guaranteed is Google’s Guarantee to their customer – your potential customer. Google is guaranteeing to THEIR customer that your work will be to their satisfaction and if it’s not, Google will make it right up to $2,000. But be very careful. You only get 1 unsatisfied claim, for your lifetime.
Customer satisfaction should always be top of mind, but now with only 1 claim means you need to be extremely careful.
Think you’ll circumvent the system? Guess again, remember it’s tied to your Map listing.

How Can Your Company Become Google Guaranteed?
- Upload your license and proof of insurance.
- Go through a background check for all techs that will be entering a customer’s home. When doing their background check, remember they will need sensitive information such as: dob, current address, previous address, social security. This process can take approximately 30 days, so it’s important to register early and complete the entire process early.
- Decide how many leads you want in a week. That means figure out your budget. The average lead cost is between $50 – $75 per lead. Ask yourself how many leads you want in a week and that’s your budget.
- Lastly, make sure your Google maps profile is correct in the hours of operations as well as the service areas. This information is also used to determine what time of day and where your ads will appear.

How Google Determines Which Google Local Services Card Ranks
What are the next steps? You’ve signed up, completed the background check, and created a budget for the number of leads. How does Google Determine who’s card will appear for the consumers search?
- Respond quickly – respond often. Rapid communication is key.
- Answer reviews. If you have a negative review, find a way to resolve the problem offline and get the customer to remove the negative review.
- Customer satisfaction is key. Do not let unhappy customers, make it to the claim phase with Google. It will directly affect your out come for the lifetime of your business.
- Google Guaranteed offers you an outstanding credibility statement this could earn you business that you didn’t expect – so be sure to promote you are Google Guaranteed.
Remember it is a long process to get approved and every day that you put off the decision to become a Google provider is another day that your competitor could be earning credibility and performance ranking with Google.
Fill out our Google Local Services Form
Marketing Depot is a Google Certified Partner who specializes in Houston Google Local Services ADS
We have worked exclusively with home service businesses for over 20 years. Give us a call today to see how to expedite your